Leonardo's Cat

by Sharon Wooding

The Monastery Cat by Sharon Wooding

The third book in the Micio trilogy.

"Sharon Wooding's delightful tale, Leonardo's Cat, is a festa per gli occhi (feast for the eyes) and the ears. With the author's own charming illustrations throughout, Wooding weaves a fresh fable of how one of Leonardo da Vinci's most celebrated paintings, The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, came to be.Robin Stevens Payes, author of The Edge of Yesterday series and creator of the interactive "learning through story" platform at edgeofyesterday.com

"With Leonardo's Cat the saga continues as Sharon Wooding's endearing hero, Micio comes to the rescue yet again! This time the settings are the workshops, convents, and piazzas of noble Florence, at the height of the Italian Renaissance, with Micio as da Vinci's devoted companion. The master's famous ink studies of cats have long attested to his fascination with felines. With fidelity and devotion. Wooding never fails to capture the essence of the breed: its intelligence, powers of observation, mysterious ways, and many moods. Leonardo's Cat in its celebration of those near-mythic times, is a bravura performance, Bravissima, Maestro!" - Caleb Ives Bach, author of The Zouave: Madness in the Southlands

"Here is that rare book that parents and children will lovereading together. It is a joyous way to enter the atmosphere of Leonardo da Vinci and his Florence, Wooding's knowledge of the city's architecture and folklore gives the story a special authenticity. The illustrations are highly detailed, warm and beautifully executed." - Adolfo Natalini, Professore di architettura, Universita di Firenze, Il Nuovo Museo dell'Opera del Duomo di Firenze, con Guicciardini & Magni Architetti